Day 14: Kathmandu City Adventure

Everest Base Camp (5,600m)

Khumbu Glacier, Nepal
April – May 2016

Kathmandu City Adventure

Kathmandu, the bustling capital of Nepal, is a city full of vibrant culture, history, and adventure. After a grueling trek to the base camp of Mount Everest, what could be better than winding down with a comfortable ride in a taxi, on your way to the home of your guide?

The experience of traveling in a taxi in Kathmandu is one that cannot be easily forgotten. The streets are filled with a chaotic blend of cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians all vying for the same space. The constant honking of horns and the sight of near misses are a common occurrence, but the drivers navigate the streets with a skill and confidence that is truly impressive.

As you make your way through the city, you are treated to a feast for the senses. The sights, sounds, and smells of Kathmandu are a mix of traditional and modern, with ancient temples and shrines sitting alongside modern shops and restaurants. The streets are lined with vendors selling everything from traditional handicrafts to street food, and the sights and smells of the city are a constant reminder of the rich culture and history of Nepal.
Bukit Tabur East
Shophouses along the way.
Photo by John Teh
After a short ride, we arrived at the home of our guide, Nabin. The warm welcome we received from them is a testament to the Nepali people’s renowned hospitality. They have prepared a delicious traditional dinner for everyone to enjoy. The food was a perfect blend of flavours and spices, and the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a meal with the guide’s family is a highlight of the trip.

The time spent with the guide’s family was a chance to learn more about the local culture and way of life. The family was eager to share their stories and experiences, and their hospitality and generosity are truly heartwarming.

Photos taken from the taxi.
Photos by John Teh
As we said our goodbyes to the family and made our way back to our hotel, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for the experience. The trip to Kathmandu, and the opportunity to visit Nabin’s home, has given us a glimpse into the heart of Nepal and the warm and welcoming nature of its people. It’s a trip that we will never forget, and one that will always hold a special place in our heart.

Beyond this point, we spent an extra day in Kathmandu, exploring various areas and the amazing local cuisine. We flew back the day after, leaving behind amazing memories and experiences.

There will be one more post in this series about Everest Base Camp. It will be a summary of the whole trip and a more in-depth look at both the whole trip and more specific events.

Next Chapter (Final)

> 9-Day Trekking in 15 Minutes: A Trekker’s Summary of the Epic Everest Base Camp Trek

Before you move on to the next chapter, don’t forget to watch the video below.
Day 14: Kathmandu City Adventure

Everest Base Camp – Visit my Youtube Channel for more videos.

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